Rejoignez Pinsent Masons Luxembourg et IQ-EQ Luxembourg pour une session d'échanges sur les aspects juridiques de la responsabilité des dirigeants. Il est crucial pour tout dirigeant et administrateur ...
The recent Dutch budget for Social Affairs and Employment outlined several legislative changes set to impact employers and their workers from 2025. Among the changes intended to reform the Dutch ...
Given the speed with which stolen assets can be transferred through the global banking system, and the increase in cyber fraud and invoice hacking incidents, time is of the essence if you are to ...
The Qatar government has announced the implementation of flexible working hours and remote work options for government employees, in what an employment law expert has described as “a landmark move ...
J’ai commencé chez Pinsent Masons, où je suis en poste actuellement en tant que stagiaire. Le plus intéressant pour moi chez Pinsent Masons est l’importance du secteur de la construction et des ...
I joined Pinsent Masons as an intern and was offered a full-time position. One standout feature of Pinsent Masons is its primary focus on the construction and infrastructure sector. This means that ...
Ich kam zuerst als Praktikantin zu Pinsent Masons und bekam dann eine Vollzeitstelle angeboten. Ein herausragendes Merkmal von Pinsent Masons ist der primäre Fokus auf den Bau- und Infrastruktursektor ...
注册账户,关注您感兴趣的话题、行业与律师,您还可以选择接收涵盖您这些兴趣领域的每周内容更新。 我最初是以实习生的身份加入品诚梅森律师事务所的,之后有幸转正,成为了一名全职员工。品诚梅森的一大特色在于其专注于建筑工程与基础设施领域,这 ...
A ruling by the Qatari Court of Cassation concerning the use of so-called ‘pay-when-paid’ clauses in subcontractor agreements is likely to embolden subcontractors to raise claims for delays in being ...
Impact investors – investors that seek positive environment or social outcomes through their investments as well as financial returns – can learn from multilateral development banks and other ...