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注册账户,关注您感兴趣的话题、行业与律师,您还可以选择接收涵盖您这些兴趣领域的每周内容更新。 我最初是以实习生的身份加入品诚梅森律师事务所的,之后有幸转正,成为了一名全职员工。品诚梅森的一大特色在于其专注于建筑工程与基础设施领域,这 ...
More mergers between higher education providers in the UK are likely to materialise in the months and years ahead, as ...
More mergers between higher education providers in the UK are likely to materialise in the months and years ahead, as institutions grapple with rising costs, constraints on revenue raising, and ...
Parties using new engineering contracts (NECs) for construction projects in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) need to understand the NEC’s nuanced approach to the assessment and ...