Psi, a simulated patient for cognitive behavioral therapy training that uses large language models to help bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world experience.
15-210 aims to teach methods for designing, analyzing, and programming sequential and parallel algorithms and data structures. The emphasis is on teaching fundamental concepts applicable across a wide ...
Lecturer: Jason Li, GHC 7203, jmli at TAs: Emin Berker, GHC 6207, rberker at Office hours: Emin Wednesdays 2-3, Jason Fridays 1-2 Location: GHC 4303, MWF 3:30-4:50 3:30-4:50 ...
From Parnas [Parnas72] we have a concise definition of the Keyword in Context problem:. The KWIC index system accepts an ordered set of lines, each line is an ordered set of words, and each word is an ...
Define the following logic terms and apply them to real-world problems: Describe the simple model checking algorithm and the theorem proving algorithms - forward chaining and resolution, what they ...
The TEEL Lab at Carnegie Mellon University focuses on research in learning methods, technology for learning systems, curriculum development, and workforce training The TEEL Lab has several positions ...
Course Description: Introduction to design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. Where appropriate, emphasis is placed on techniques that are useful for the analysis of scientific data.
Download slides Hint: You can change the video speed using the "Settings" gear on the bottom right. If speed control doesn't appear, go to ...
Course description: This seminar class will focus on new results and directions in machine learning theory. Machine learning theory concerns questions such as: What kinds of guarantees can we prove ...
Course Description: The objective of this course is to study general computational problems, with a focus on the principles used to design those algorithms. Efficient data structures will be discussed ...
This course provides a broad and pragmatic foundation in the most basic tool of the programmer: programming languages. It starts with the fundamentals of syntax, parsing, and binding, the core ...