Gregory Elliott’s book appears at a time when the reputation of its subject seems near to total eclipse.footnote 1 In Althusser’s own country he is, as Elliott reports, practically a ‘dead dog’, ...
Despite making some progress on green initiatives, Lula still seems determined to use fossil resources to drive development, ...
Yet his adoptive family is so warm and loving that the lack, the ‘chasm’, torments him only intermittently. It’s surely ...
On Oleksiy Radynski.
The Federal Reserve’s dilemma.
He challenged French economic interests by making Libya a hub for raw material trade independent of major Western companies – ...
Up till the 1970s, the notion that the Rest would follow in the footsteps of the West was intrinsic to the dominant development paradigm. Through industrialization and urbanization, the ...
Michel Barnier and Macronism.
The thesis of the end of art has become a familiar slogan: radicals take it as a truism; they reject or ‘suspend’ art as part of bourgeois culture, just as they reject or suspend its literature or ...
'Nowadays, national literature doesn’t mean much: the age of world literature is beginning, and everybody should contribute to hasten its advent.’ This was Goethe, of course, talking to Eckermann in ...
At a time when the priority should have been to establish order in the financial markets, Brussels had only one slogan: ‘Reform the labour markets’—in the sense of fitting people into the ‘permanent ...
In a problematic specifically concerned with explaining twentieth-century socio-political developments, the questions of how and when classes are formed also raise other problems not encompassed ...