¿Cómo se diagnostican las adherencias labiales? La mayoría de las adherencias labiales las detecta un médico durante una visita ordinaria de revisión de un bebé o un niño pequeño. ¿Cómo se tratan las ...
A finger condom (also called a finger cot) is a thin pouch made of a stretchy material like latex. It’s placed over a finger and is often used to help prevent infection. People may use disposable ...
If you’re worried about your child’s development and think they might have autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it’s important to have a doctor do an evaluation. Kids with ASD need extra help, and new ...
If a parent or sibling goes away for military service (deployment), it's natural to wonder what life will be like for you and your family. Know that there are plenty of ways to stay in touch, help at ...
Many kids and teens want to try skin care products they hear about from friends, influencers, and celebrities. But young skin often doesn’t need these products, and many aren’t even safe for it. Most ...
When a parent is sent away for military service (deployment), family life changes. You may wonder how your child will handle it all, but parents and caregivers can help kids cope. Telling your child ...
Knowing how to tell your child that a parent has to leave for military service (deployment) can be tough. You want to prepare kids for the challenges ahead but don't want to worry them. It's best to ...
Leg braces are devices that support the ankle and foot, and keep them in the right position for walking, standing, and sitting. These braces are sometimes called orthoses (or-THO-seez). Kids who have ...
What Is a Power Wheelchair? A power wheelchair is a supportive chair on wheels. Kids who use a power wheelchair can move around by themselves. A power wheelchair can help kids ages 5 and older who can ...
Labial adhesions happen when the labia minora (the inner folds of skin surrounding the vaginal opening) become fused together. In most cases, only a small part of the labia is fused, so the adhesions ...
A los dos años de edad, la mayoría de los niños muestran señales de retrasos en el desarrollo (logran caminar o hablar mucho después que el promedio de los niños de su edad). Socialmente, tal vez ...
Corregir el pie zambo de su hijo empieza con una serie de escayolas y concluye con la colocación de una férula ortopédica. Después de haber corregido la posición del pie en la fase del escayolado, ...