A robocop detains a bandit. An armed suspect barricaded himself in a motel and shot at a police robot. Despite this, the robot was able to overpower a ...
Ayer examinamos Los coches más populares en Ucrania equipados con motores de combustión interna de gasolina. Esta vez nos ...
Yesterday, we looked at The most popular cars in Ukraine equipped with gasoline internal combustion engines. This time we ...
Microsoft ha lanzado la Windows App para macOS, iOS, iPadOS, navegadores, Android e incluso PC con Windows. La aplicación de ...
Microsoft выпустила приложение Windows (Windows App) для macOS, iOS, iPadOS, браузеров, Android и даже ПК с Win ...
Microsoft has released the Windows App for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, browsers, Android, and even Windows PCs. The Windows App is ...
According to a report by the research company Counterpoint, Xiaomi overtook Apple to become the world's number two brand in ...
Mientras tanto, los revendedores subieron los precios entre un 200% y un 300%, y un mercado de electrónica de Shenzhen vendía ...
The HUAWEI Mate XT — is the world’s first triple-folding smartphone. It features a huge 10.2-inch display that can be rolled ...
Перекупы тем временем подняли цены на 200-300%, а на одном из рынков электроники в Шэньчжэне Mate XT продавали за 150 000 ...
Una nueva encuesta ha revelado que un número significativo de zoomers desearía que las populares redes sociales nunca ...
A new survey has found that a significant number of zoomers wish popular social networks had never appeared, despite the fact ...