Serotonin in depression is highly relevant in diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. To better study this area, a Chinese team has now developed a fluorescent probe for imaging processes that is ...
Researchers developed a highly selective fluorescent probe to image serotonin in cells and animal models, shedding light on ...
Afterward, facilitated by proximity, a second bond is formed (nucleophilic reaction between an amino group in serotonin and a carbonyl group in the reactive building block). As a result, the building ...
Serotonin in depression is highly relevant in diagnosis, treatment, and drug development. To better study this area, a Chinese team has now developed a fluorescent probe for imaging processes that is ...
High-intensity ultrasound initiates formal retro-[2+2] cycloaddition by stretching a benzocyclobutene core from strategically placed anchor points ...
Cancer Res 1 September 1963; 23 (8_Part_1): 1315–1333. The term “alkylating agent” has been defined and a detailed discussion made of the mechanisms (Sn1 and Sn2) by which they interact with ...
亲核取代反应(Nucleophilic substitution)指带有负电或弱负电的亲核体攻击(或撞击)并取代靶分子上带正电或部分正电荷的碳核的反应。 Ø 反应速度只取决于一种化合物浓度的反应,在动力学上称为一级反应 Ø 反应速度取决于两种化合物浓度的反应,在动力学上称为 ...
“We also focused on cysteine because it’s the most nucleophilic amino acid,” says first author Evert Njomen, PhD, an HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow at Scripps Research and a postdoctoral research associate ...
"We also focused on cysteine because it's the most nucleophilic amino acid," says first author Evert Njomen, Ph.D., an HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow at Scripps Research and a postdoctoral research ...