Prime Minister Fumio Kishida vowed to 'resolutely defend Japan's territory' as Tokyo lodged a protest with Moscow after a ...
Japan said its warplanes used flares to warn a Russian reconnaissance aircraft to leave northern Japanese airspace on Monday.
Japanese fighter jets fired warning flares at a Russian reconnaissance plane after it repeatedly breached the neighbouring ...
Japan has protested to the Kremlin after a Russian patrol plane entered its airspace three times, Defence Minister Minoru ...
背景介绍: 据法新社9月23日报道,日本防卫大臣木原稔当天表示,在一架俄罗斯巡逻机三次进入日本领空后,日本已向莫斯科提出“严正抗议”。木原稔生于1969年,毕业于早稻田大学教育学部,所属党派为自民党。他于2005年进入政坛,2016年至2017年在安倍内阁任财务副大臣,2023年9月出任防卫大臣。
一架俄罗斯军用伊尔-38反潜巡逻机周一(9月23日)下午在北海道礼文岛附近三次短暂侵犯日本领空,促使日本自卫队派遣战机进行紧急回应并发射照明弹警告。 路透社报道说,作为政府发言人的日本内阁官房长官林芳正 (Yoshimasa Hayashi)对记者说 ...
Japan's Defense Minister Minoru Kihara reported that a Russian Il-38 patrol aircraft violated Japanese airspace above Rebun Island for about one minute on multiple occasions. In response, Japan's Self ...
Japan's defense minister said the use of flares was a legitimate response to airspace violation and "we plan to use it ...
Japan is strongly alarmed by recent airspace breaches by China and Russia and other military activities by them around the ...
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Monday vowed to “resolutely defend Japan’s territory” as Tokyo lodged a protest with ...
据俄罗斯媒体报道, 日本战斗机在日本领空向一架俄罗斯飞机发射照明弹 。几架F-15和F-35战斗机被看到冲向一架俄罗斯飞机,周一还发射了照明弹。据信,这是一架俄罗斯 Il-38 巡逻机,它“无视警告”,但进入日本的确切位置尚未公布。
Aviones militares japoneses usaron bengalas para advertir a una aeronave de reconocimiento rusa que había entrado en su ...