This process is executed by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, thereby modifying the cloud’s microphysical processes. Utilizing seeding agents such as ...
The research initiative on weather modification will be part of a new scientific mission that will also seek to bolster ...
Indian scientists are working on Mission Mausam to develop techniques for enhancing or suppressing rain, hail, and lightning ...
Plant, R. S. 2010. A review of the theoretical basis for bulk mass flux convective parameterization. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 10, Issue. 8, p. 3529.
Saito, Masanori Iwabuchi, Hironobu Yang, Ping Tang, Guanglin King, Michael D. and Sekiguchi, Miho 2017. Ice particle morphology and microphysical properties of cirrus ...