Pleasant, MI, 6 p. Frank Sattler, 2015, Lithologic Properties of the Upper Ordovician Utica Shale Formation, Michigan Basin, USA: A Geological Characterization and Assessment of Carbon Dioxide ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 214, 251–266 (2003). Klimchouk, A. & Ford, D. "Lithologic and structural controls of dissolutional cave development," in Speleogenesis. Evolution of Karst ...
TARGET DESCRIPTIONS: Upper 8 The Upper 8 target is a shallower geologic analog to the well-known high-grade 8-Zone and positioned within the same lithologic unit (Russet Lake Ultramafic ...
John Clague is one of Canada’s leading authorities in Quaternary and environmental earth sciences; Professor and Shrum Chair in Science at Simon Fraser University; Emeritus Scientist, Geological ...
The correlation between lithologic boundaries and mineralization is very encouraging in the current mine area. The 2024 geophysical program will focus on collecting additional CSAMT resistivity ...