The kenaf industry needs more government support to accelerate its growth and attract more smallholders to engage in its ...
The Korean mobility giant is tapping into innovators worldwide to embrace a software-based world that transcends cars ...
(赛城19日讯)种植及原产业部副部长拿督陈泓缣说,红麻(kenaf)产业发展需要更多的政府支持,并吸引更多的小园主参与种植,进而对国家经济作出重大贡献。他指出,尽管红麻与其他原产品相比较新,但其独特的品质(例如3个月的极短种植周期)对希望从该产业增加 ...
By Lucía Tedesco via El Planteo Hemp is gaining ground in the automotive industry. Interior panels and structural components ...
Hibiscus varieties often thrive in poor soil and challenging areas, making them ideal for remediation. Kenaf, or Hibiscus cannabinus, is widely used for removing heavy metals from damaged soils.
The cee'd features lightweight all-aluminium engines (weighing 15 kg less) and Kenaf (a form of jute) recycled materials form its door trim panels. Last year, Kia's Zilina factory was certified as ...
While plastics are very useful on their own, they can be much stronger when reinforced and mixed with a range of fibers. Not ...
The increasing demand for natural fiber composites in the construction sector and the growing need for more fuel-efficient, lighter, and electric vehicles.
(吉隆坡19日讯)大马消防及拯救局在今年1至7月期间,共接获2575宗与树倒事故有关的投报。大马消防及拯救局发文告指出,当中雪州居首,共发生441宗树倒事故,而霹雳州则有321宗,砂拉越则有264宗。文告提到,该局所接获的投报中,有8人死亡,27人蒙 ...
哈芝芝(右)出席沙巴移民局表扬之夜,入场时与官员握手道安。(图:首长署)(亚庇19日讯)中国、汶莱、印尼和菲律宾成为今年首8个月到访沙巴国际游客最多的4个国家,共计58万6501人次。沙巴首席部长拿督斯里哈芝芝诺表示,这个数字预计将继续增长,直到年底 ...
(赛城19日讯)种植及原产业部副部长拿督陈泓缣说,红麻(kenaf)产业发展需要更多的政府支持,并吸引更多的小园主参与种植,进而对国家经济作出重大贡献。他指出,尽管红麻与其他原产品相比较新,但其独特的品质(例如3个月的极短种植周期)对希望从该产业增加收入的小园主具有吸引力。放眼建立完整生态系统“它的独特之处在于我们不需要数年时间来创造收入,我们可以每3个月收成一次。”他今天出席2024年全国红麻产 ...