(法新社洛杉矶15日电) 美国吉他手暨歌手、传奇家族乐团「杰克森5人组」创始成员帝托杰克森今天过世,享寿70岁,他是美国流行音乐天王麦可杰克森的二哥。
Tito Jackson, one of the brothers who made up the beloved pop group the Jackson 5, has died at age 70. Tito was the third of ...
Tito Jackson, Michael's brother and one of the brothers who made up the beloved pop group the Jackson 5, has died at age 70, ...
(洛杉矶16日讯)已故流行天王迈克杰逊(Michael Jackson)的二哥、同时也是传奇R&B组合Jackson 5成员蒂托杰逊(Tito Jackson)惊传过世,享寿70岁。 据《镜报》报道,杰逊家族好友兼前经纪人史蒂夫曼宁(Steve ...
Tito Jackson, founding guitarist of '70s hitmakers The Jackson 5 that featured a young Michael Jackson, died September 15 ...
Michael Jackson ’s children Prince and Paris Jackson have paid tribute to their uncle Tito following his sudden death at the ...
Tito Jackson, who rose to fame alongside his brothers in the Jackson 5, has died at 70, his sons confirmed in a social media ...
麦可积逊(右)生前和二哥蒂托积逊感情深厚。(取自网络)(洛杉矶16日讯)已故流行乐之王麦可积逊(Michael Jackson)的二哥蒂托积逊(Tito Jackson),今天传出不幸离世的消息,享寿70岁。而他4天前在Instagram最后一篇贴文 ...
Tito Jackson, member of the original Jackson 5 dies at 70, brother of Michael Jackson that died in 2009. Who's left of the ...
Family confirmed that Tito Jackson, who rose to fame alongside his brothers in the Jackson 5, has died at age 70. "We are ...
据外媒报导,积逊家族好友兼前经理人Steve Manning透露, Tito Jackson 已于15日去世。目前确切死因不明,但他推测Tito ...
Tito Jackson was the last of the nine Jackson siblings to release a solo project with his 2016 debut, “Tito Time.” ...