9月22日,世界无车日当天,首都文明办联合北京市生态环境局、北京市志愿服务联合会、北京市交通委员会、北京市公安局公安交通管理局,在大运河漕运码头举办“V蓝北京”绿色生活主题诗会暨世界无车日文明骑行活动。著名演播艺术家、绿色生活好市民、骑行爱好者等齐聚恢弘壮美的大运河畔,吟诵经典齐绘山川秀丽、骑游观景共享生态之美,广泛传播“慢行优先 绿色优先”的低碳环保理念,号召市民争做文明出行倡导者、健康生活践行 ...
9月20日(星期五)下午3:00,在北京市委市政府新闻发布厅,北京市人民政府新闻办公室将举行“北京‘两区’建设医药健康领域任务推进情况”新闻发布会。市药监局主要负责同志,市科委、中关村管委会,市卫生健康委、北京海关、顺义区政府相关负责同志将介绍情况并 ...
近日刚在澳大利亚、新西兰结束师徒父子相声大典的中国相声艺术家郭德纲在墨尔本接受SBS专访(点击播放键,收听完整采访)。 采访中,郭德纲分享了此次演出在澳、新所引发的一如既往的互动和轰动。
In an interview with former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler, he expressed his admiration for Guangdong, calling it ...
In an interview with former South African senior diplomat Gert Grobler, he criticized the debt trap narrative promoted by the ...
Mwamba praised China's focus on green development, noting its relevance for Africa, which is grappling with the effects of climate change and energy shortages. He said China's experience in renewable ...
In an exclusive interview with Shanghai Daily, Russ Shaw CBE, founder of Global Tech Advocates and London Tech Ambassador, ...
Grobler underlined that the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) remains the flagship collaborative platform between China and Africa. He further emphasized that the FOCAC has continued to ...
在夺得奥运会C1和K1冠军之后,除了来自粉丝的热烈祝贺,她还意外收获了多位体育界巨星的特别赞誉,这让她深受触动。其中,游泳传奇 伊恩·索普 亲自致电祝贺,而足球明星 萨姆·科尔 ...
In an exclusive interview with Shanghai Daily, Andras Dinnyes, the esteemed Hungarian biotechnologist and co-founder of BioTalentum, reflects on his two-decade-long partnership with China.