“Wubba lubba dub dub!”这句经典台词再次响彻宇宙。在纽约漫展上,Adult Swim宣布其旗舰剧集《瑞克和莫蒂》将继续播出两季,这意味着这部深受全球粉丝喜爱的科幻动画将延长至第12季。从第一季开始,《瑞克和莫蒂》就以其独特的幽默感、复杂的剧情和深刻的主题赢得了无数观众的心。如今,这个消息无疑让所有粉丝欢呼雀跃。 《瑞克和莫蒂》的故事围绕着天才科学家瑞克和他的外孙莫蒂展开,他们通 ...
It's larger-than-life Nick's turn on the fourth day of the competition in Exeter. He prepares a menu based on his personality: big, bold and brash. But after the bust up with Ajay, he's planning to to ...
In Gobustan, Bettany uncovers 40,000-year-old rock art. Then she heads to Shaki, an important stop for merchants travelling on the ancient Silk Road, and discovers what life is like there.