Estate agent Ajay is hoping her nautical-themed evening will see her sail to victory. Along with a gigantic seafood spread, Ajay's also laid on a boat trip around Torquay Harbour to help her win.
是好消息,还是。。。 今天,女朋友给我打电话说她有一个天大的好消息。说我治好了她每个月都会得的那个“病”。FML Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML ...
传染性单核细胞增多症(InfectiousMononucleosis, IM)是原发性Epstein-Barrvirus ...
这5个简单的习惯,能让我们的大脑变得更聪明 很多人可能会觉得,人一旦到了一定的年纪,比如三十几岁,大脑只会变得越来越“笨”,学习新技能越来越困难,精力越来越低,记忆力也逐渐衰退,到了老年,基本上就告别新鲜事物了。