今天上午,山东省人民政府新闻办公室举行新闻发布会,邀请山东省广播电视局负责同志等介绍山东优化视听内容供给、丰富精神文化生活工作情况,并回答记者提问。企业观察报记者:刚才发布人提到,烟台市新出台了促进影视产业发展的扶持政策,请问该政策的优势有哪些?祝潜 ...
“书香长江”武汉书展暨第十九届华中图书交易会,于9月27日起在武汉国际会展中心和武汉文化博览中心举行。展会上,法律出版社携手湖北省博物馆、湖北省新华书店(集团)有限公司打造“法韵文旅新融合”城市会客厅,集中展示数百种图书及文创产品,并举办“出版+文旅 ...
The CEOs and executives of 22 businesses spanning the automotive, financial, retail and infrastructure sectors and government representatives from the United States and United Kingdom convened during ...
Dachshund or weiner wannabe? Sept. 28 festival is for the dogs. Food and brews: New Bedford Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival is back. See the 1922 film 'Nosferatu' accompanied by live music. Here ...