【导读】肿瘤微环境中的一些代谢物可以改变固有免疫功能。9月26日,武汉大学李友军教授研究团队在期刊《Advanced Science》上发表了研究论文,题为“Increases in 4-Acetaminobutyric Acid Generated ...
T cells refueled with extra mitochondria exhibited heightened antitumor activity and reduced signs of exhaustion in ...
*仅供医学专业人士阅读参考看多了人体内各种细胞争先恐后给癌细胞当帮凶的研究,奇点糕总有种误入了某全员内鬼酒厂,啊不组织的感觉,哪天真跳出来个助力抗癌的“正面人物”,奇点糕都得看着论文标题愣一下才敢相信,这叫什么个事儿啊。不过奇点糕的这种刻板印象其实也 ...
Stimulating a key metabolic pathway in T cells can make them work more effectively against tumors when combined with immune ...
Harnessing the body's B-cells to fight tumors may be a promising treatment for glioblastoma, according to a Northwestern ...
“Having more of these precursors enables a more sustained supply of active cytotoxic CD8+ T cells for attacking tumors,” said Dr. Mittal, who is also a member of the Sandra and Edward Meyer ...
Stimulating a key metabolic pathway in T cells can make them work more effectively against tumors when combined with immune checkpoint inhibitor ...
2024年9月17日,上海交通大学医学院王慧、李晓光、巴乾团队在Cell 子刊CellReportsMedicine上发表了题为:Dietary vitamin B3 supplementation induces the antitumor ...
Study shows that dietary antigens can suppress small intestine carcinogenesis by activating T-cells through Peyer's patches.
Cancer cells can use lipids not just as fuel, but as a means to obscure inflammatory signals, enabling immune evasion.