New mass-spectrometric proteomics technologies have been developed with the potential to transition from pure research applications into the diagnostic laboratory. Of these, one very promising ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and ...
My research focuses on using geochronology, remote sensing, and modeling to understand the timing and rates of surface processes. Much of my work involves cosmogenic dating and optically stimulated ...
Neurotransmitters are key for synaptic transmission at axon terminals, but their transport modalities remain debated. This ...
The Swedish biotech company Cellevate has raised €3.2 million in a seed round to fuel the commercialization of its ...
Rachel Sha has had a colorful career not without its challenges, but she urges women in the science industry to have ...
A plasma-based treatment has successfully removed toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from contaminated water, its developer has said.
Reliable quantification of target compounds is provided by mass spectrometric detection combined with library records of ion molecule reaction rate constants. This work uses a SIFT-MS instrument (Syft ...
DEPT代表Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer,这是一个用来确定伯、仲、叔碳原子存在的非常有用的方法。 DEPT实验是利用角度参数的变化区分CH、CH 2 、CH 3: 135°时CH 2 基出现于与所有CH基和CH 3 基相反的位相 90°时只会出现CH基,其他都会被抑制 45°会出现所有 ...