为庆祝新中国成立75周年,郎朗特别灌录了一首钢琴独奏版《我爱你,中国》,这也是郎朗首次录制这首作品。郎朗说:“我在其中加入了一些从国乐上学到的技巧,并与钢琴的技巧做了新的融合。我希望把我对祖国的爱和满腔热血化进音符里,庆祝新中国成立75周年。” ...
A total of 24 diplomats from countries including Argentina, South Africa, Mexico, and Cuba visited southwest China's Guizhou Province from Friday to Sunday, during which time they enjoyed traditional ...
Located in southeastern Chongqing, Pengshui is home to 318,000 Miao people, who make up 45.4 percent of the county's ...
马上就是“十一”黄金周了你的七天假期想好怎么过了吗广州2000+场文旅活动了解一下涵盖文艺演出、文博展览、百姓舞台、非遗活动、公共文化活动、景区酒店优惠等各类场景精彩纷呈等你来As the countdown to the National Day ...