依沃西单抗(AK112)是由康方生物研发的人源化 IgG1-ScFv 结构的双特异性单克隆抗体,是采用 Tetrabody 双特异性抗体开发技术设计的创新性四价结构,可同时靶向 PD-1 和 VEGF-A,发挥免疫和抗血管生成的双重治疗作用。今年 5 月,依沃西单抗已获国家药品监督管理局 ...
The investigational new drug application for VNX-101, a gene therapy aimed at treating CD19-positive acute lymphoblastic ...
These toxins provide new tools for precision cancer medicine, bringing us closer to the elusive “magic bullet.” In addition, ...
Ainnocence Inc., a leader in AI-driven biotech solutions, is proud to announce the launch of CellulaAI™, an innovative AI ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. DNA i-motif structures are formed in the ...
Protein L配基与抗体kappa轻链的可变区有很强的亲和性,所以Diamond Protein L适用于从大批量细胞培养液中捕获各种不同大小的抗体片段,如 F(ab')2、Fab、单链可变片段(scFv)和半抗。 • 结合缓冲液:通常采用中性缓冲液,如:20mM PB,0.15M NaCl,pH7.2 • 洗脱缓冲液 ...
Additional claims describe the antibodies as potentially human, including various forms such as purified antibodies, single-chain antibodies, and fragments like Fab and scFv. Furthermore, the patent ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine August 2024, jnumed.124.267685; DOI: https://doi.org/10.2967/jnumed.124.267685 ...
吸入式肺靶向疗法治疗IPF的示意图 基于上述iLNP-HP08 LOOP 递送载体,研究人员进一步利用其负载编码IL-11单链抗体(scFv)mRNA得到scFv@iLNP-HP08 LOOP ,从而成功开发出一种mRNA介导的抗体吸入疗法。上述scFv@iLNP-HP08 LOOP 经振动网筛雾化器递送到小鼠肺部后,能够有效沉积 ...