Reunion brings families together, like the full moon illuminates the night sky, filling hearts with warmth and joy that transcends time and space.
中秋节是中国人民庆祝的一个受欢迎的重要月球节,这个节日是在中国历法的第八个月的第15天举行的。这个节日有一些传统。例如,人们会有一个大的节日。与家人共进晚餐。晚餐后,他们经常享受圆润明亮的满月。中秋节的另一个传统是吃月饼。月饼是当天必不可少的,这意味 ...
Oasis is touring again, and Britain is freaking out. Lilah is on with music critic Ludo Hunter-Tilney, who has followed the ...
BEIJING, 18 sep (Xinhua) -- El primer ministro chino, Li Qiang, presidió hoy miércoles una reunión ejecutiva del Consejo de Estado (gabinete) para estudiar medidas de cara a impulsar el desarrollo del ...
唐培里侬2015年份香槟在Potager餐厅华丽亮相,尽显卓越年份的极致风味。(吉隆坡讯)唐培里侬(Dom Perignon)与吉隆坡创新餐厅Potager联手,推出备受期待的2015年份唐培里侬香槟。此次发布活动在Potager主厨De Wet ...
El foro es copatrocinado por la Asociación de Amistad del Pueblo Chino con el Extranjero y la Fundación Consejo España-China.
Ahead of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday that symbolizes family reunions and falls on Tuesday this ...
BEST Inc started its business mapping for Southeast Asia market expansion in 2018. The group completed its express delivery ...
湘江河畔,月色如水。本次活动由序章《月涌湘江》拉开帷幕,《三湘秋韵》《故乡明月》《花好月圆》3个主题篇章徐徐展开。整场活动以“家”为主题主线,通过歌舞、飞花令、情景剧、音诗舞、花鼓小戏等形式表达爱家情感、展示建家成就、弘扬良好家风、引领文明乡风,体现中秋节“团结、团圆、文明、家国”的文化内涵。(来源:新湖南) On September 13, 2024, "Our Festival - Mid-A ...
“中秋节是阖家欢乐的节日,无数中国人跨越山海,奔赴家乡。”德国柏林普鲁士协会名誉主席福尔克尔·恰普克曾多次来到中国,他对中秋佳节印象深刻。今年中秋节,他也从德国柏林送来了温暖的节日祝福。 The Mid-Autumn Festival features family reunion and hundreds of thousands of Chinese people would rush hom ...