Brazilian researchers have topped a bioinformatics competition looking to find molecules that could one day function as ...
纯化的RNA可用作RT-PCR模板,也适用于Northern Blot、RT-PCR、体外翻译、Primer Extension、RNase保护测定、构建cDNA文库等各种分子生物学实验。 1. 不使用苯酚和氯仿等刺激性试剂。 2. 采用独特的红细胞裂解技术去除成熟的红细胞。 3. 蛋白质、DNA在过柱前通过沉淀去除 ...
These soda lakes each contained ~1 M Na + and ~1 mM Mg 2+ at pH 10. The authors found that spontaneous extension of short RNA primers occurred in lake water at a rate comparable to the rates in ...
而美国疾病预防控制中心(CDC)的建议指出:对于大多数需要 1 剂流感疫苗的人(也就是≥9 岁人群或 6 月龄-8 岁既往接种≥2 剂的儿童)而言,理想的接种时间是 9 月或 10 月。
Comprehensive testing packages with a broad detection capability, ensure that multiple pathogens are identified in one go, ...
Mice express full-length protein ZBP1-L as well as an alternatively-spliced shorter isoform (ZBP1-S) containing only its two ...
Here, we show that the timing of blastomere polarization at the 8-cell stage is asynchronous, and that the heterogeneity between the blastomeres at the 4-cell stage influences cell fate specification ...
Metabolic rewiring is essential for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. This study shows that glutaminolysis ...
VARSOVIA, Polonia (AP) — Miles de personas asistieron a un mitin antigubernamental organizado por el partido conservador nacionalista de oposición de Polonia para aumentar su apoyo antes de las ...