科学家通过基因工程培育出一种新型莴苣(lettuce),营养价值是目前冰箱中绿叶蔬菜的30倍。“黄金莴苣/生菜”(Golden Lettuce)含有超大量的β-胡萝卜素,研究人员希望有助于养活消耗量远低于应有水平的人口。
A group of talented African students had their vocational skills put to the test at the Africa Tech Challenge Season IX 2024 in Beijing recently, and for many of the winners, the experience was a ...
As the voice of global higher education, THE is an invaluable daily resource. Subscribe today to receive unlimited news and analyses, commentary from the sharpest minds in international academia, our ...
近日,一起留学生学费纠纷案引发了广泛关注。一位名叫Shine Sharma的留学生因学习签证被拒,无法入境加拿大,进而与所就读的Kwantlen Polytechnic ...