Canine parvovirus (parvo) is a diagnosis no pet owner wants to hear, but it can be prevented through the CPV-2 vaccination. So, what exactly is this infectious disease and how much do parvo shots ...
Parvovirus can cause life-threatening illness in both dogs and cats. Fortunately, there’s a highly effective vaccine that all pet owners should ensure their fur babies receive. Without the ...
Canine parvovirus is caused by canine parvovirus ... if necessary. While there is no vaccine for parvovirus B19, someone who is infected with the virus will have lifelong immunity, the Mayo ...
Sanger Animal Control will be hosting a free dog vaccine clinic on Saturday, according to the city’s police department.
Animal Services staff observed Canine Parvovirus symptoms in a dog that was previously surrendered to the City of Midlothian.