咖啡馆老板娘艾滋传染百人? 假的 最近,湖州市公安局网安支队处理了一起关于“网红咖啡馆老板涉及艾滋病传播给百人”的网络谣言案件。8月13日,网络上流传着一张截图,内容提及湖州某知名咖啡馆的女老板被指患有艾滋病,并称已传染给上百名顾客 ...
咖啡馆老板娘艾滋传染百人?警方:网络传谣属非法 已依法查处!
In the late 1980s, Linda Rose Frank began working with HIV-positive individuals at the University of Pittsburgh. At the time, those affected were mainly young men with a terrifying prognosis.
8月13日,东升派出所接到一景区员工报警,有人在小区微信群,造谣景区有6名员工患有艾滋病,对该景区形象造成了负面影响。 接警后,东升 ...
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Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. It’s a worrying question for health officials in one of the richest and most developed areas of the ...
A new Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) study has found that more than 70,000 young people in Gauteng living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are not receiving any treatment.
India faces a significant challenge with HIV among people who inject drugs, requiring comprehensive community-based interventions to curb its spread. Listen to Story India has the second-largest ...
艾滋病仿佛这是一只无形的魔鬼,随时可能侵袭我们的生活。其实,艾滋病并不像我们想象的那么可怕,也并不是无法战胜的 ...