(曼谷彭博电)泰国政府提出新法案规范大麻产业,将大麻的用途限制在健康和医疗上。 根据泰国卫生部本周公布的立法草案,大麻或大麻提取物可以用于草药、食品和化妆品,也可以用在国家 ...
澳洲首都领地(ACT)成为全国第一个个人合法使用大麻、作娱乐消遣用途的地区,将于明年1月31日起生效。 澳洲首都领地议会昨日通过新法案 ...
据美国“政治”新闻网8月31日报道,美国共和党总统候选人特朗普周六说,他支持佛罗里达州将大麻娱乐用途合法化的投票倡议。 佛罗里达州选民将 ...
Nusa Penida’s rapid development in the last few years has seen a smattering of decent eateries opening around the island, and while it is no gourmet paradise, a selection of restaurants and cafes ...
Easy to understand and really friendly. Lovely snacks and refreshments throughout too Great value for money - we all made a really lovely high quality ring each Perfect for teens Great silver making ...
Regular speed boat services operate daily between Nusa Penida and Sanur in South Bali as well as between Nusa Penida and Kusamba and Padang Bai in East Bali. The journey takes 30 to 45 minutes ...
Explore the island of Nusa Penida on a full-day trip from Sanur (Bali) with our private fast boat (not ferry). Visit the most amazing places in Nusa Penida Island. First, you will discover the ...
海外网8月29日电 据路透社28日报道,美国上诉法院当天裁定,不能因拥枪人士违法吸食大麻而对其提起禁止拥枪的诉讼。裁决一经发布,便引来美国网民的批评和讽刺,他们质疑法官此举将会对 ...
Taking diners on a culinary trip through the regions of Indonesia including the spices of Sumatra, sweet flavours of Yogyakarta and the succulent tastes of Balinese grill, Nusa Dining's signature ...