The College of Biological Science (CBS) is a world-renowned academic faculty dedicated to expanding our understanding of life, from DNA to cells to complex ecosystems, and the only faculty in Canada ...
Its allied business consists of manufacturing and marketing of Rectified Spirit Extra Neutral Alcohol Ethanol Incidental Cogeneration of Power Organic Manure Mycorrhiza Vam Calcium Lactate Co2 and ...
We’re driving toward a lake on the south side of Mount Hood, cruising slowly and peering into the forest, when suddenly she hits the brakes, jumps out of the car, and runs up the hillside. I see her ...
Induced resistance (IR), which enables plants to increase their resilience against insect pests and microbial pathogens by promoting their own immunity, has been recognized for its value in crop ...
Because nitrogen fertilizers contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions, scientists are looking for ways to modify agricultural plants so that they rely on less nitrogen. In research published ...
Plant symbiosis is the close and persistent co-existence of individuals of more than one species, at least one of which is a plant. In most cases both the plant and its symbiont derive an ...