Observations made on wet and dry slices of inflated human lungs taken at necropsy have been used to give a more complete account of the alveolar duct system, the basic respiratory structure. This ...
It covers a wide range of topics, ranging from genetics, microbiology and immunology to the core disciplines of anatomy, microanatomy and physiology. The degree is designed to allow a greater degree ...
The QTscan™ is the first non-invasive breast imaging technology that provides a true 3D image of the breast’s microanatomy down to a few hundred cells without compression or harmful radiation.
Not to be confused with Natural killer T cell. In early experiments on cell-mediated cytotoxicity against tumor target cells, both in cancer patients and animal models, investigators consistently ...
From the Center for Systems Biology (W.C.P., M.N., F.K.S.), Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston. From the Center for Systems Biology (W ...