《西游记》中唐僧师徒历经千难万险,终于抵达灵山,却在取得真经的过程中遭遇了意想不到的波折。阿傩、伽叶两位尊者在陪同唐僧参观藏经阁时 ...
在佛陀的十大比丘弟子中,像舍利弗、目犍连,本是外道的学者或领袖;迦旃延、大迦叶,也是婆罗门的权威和长老,但他们一皈依佛陀,就唯有信仰、尊敬,从没有对佛陀有过批评。对佛陀没 ...
The ruins of the capital built by the parricidal King Kassapa I (477–95) lie on the steep slopes and at the summit of a granite peak standing some 370 m high (the 'Lion's Rock', which dominates the ...
在佛陀时代,受佛陀嘱咐而住世留形护持佛法的四大声闻之摩诃迦叶、君屠钵叹、宾头卢、罗喉罗,这四大阿罗汉都遵嘱不入涅槃。在《付法藏因缘传》《大唐西域记》中,有大迦叶在鸡足山 ...
From Saranath, He set out to wander by stages to Uruvela. At that time three ascetics with matted hair — Kassapa of Uruvela, Kassapa of the River and Kassapa of Gaya — were living at Uruvela. When the ...
1.大唐境外找灵山接引僧,对话。 另注:人族,到鬼域找黑风(会移动),对话开打 魔族,到狮驼岭找三大王,对话开打 3.找灵山接引僧进入新场景,给他龙之心屑。到雷音寺门左下找守门金刚 ...