1) Franz Schubert was born January 31, 1797 and died 31 years later. 2) He was the only one of the great Viennese composers actually born in Vienna. 3) His first piano teacher was his older brother, ...
Franz Schubert (born January 31, 1797; died November 19, 1828) was not the first of the Romantics but he was, as one writer put it, 'the first lyric poet of music'. The ideas came tumbling out like ...
Described by Liszt as “the most poetic of composers,” Franz Schubert became the quintessential composer of the early Romantic period. He composed prolifically, writing music in almost all of ...
STRAUS, JOSEPH N. 2006. Normalizing the Abnormal: Disability in Music and Music Theory. Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 59, Issue. 1, p. 113. Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel 2007. Sound ...
生于维也纳的舒伯特,在他很小的时候就显示出了在音乐方面的天份。舒伯特一家是一个快乐的大家庭。他第一个钢琴教师是比他大十二岁的哥哥伊格纳兹(lgnaz)。可是过了不久,弗兰兹就 ...
We have come north with Romanenko into the high Russian Arctic, to an archipelago known as Franz Josef Land, and although it’s not our primary purpose, that question underlies much of what we’ ...
遗憾的是,舒伯特的初步工作虽广泛应用,但却备受争议,其方法被认为不够严格。直至20世纪30年代,随着代数几何学的不断发展,研究者们开始 ...
德国Schubert 舒伯特–法兰式电机阀 产品信息 德国Schubert 舒伯特–法兰式电机阀 舒伯特&萨尔泽控制系统公司的阀门技术意味着与我们的客户一起为他们寻找个性化的解决方案。 在阀门技术领域 ...
Captions, photographs, maps, graphics and commentary explain how the assassination of Austria-Hungary’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand triggered World War One. Events are traced from the shooting by ...
Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809) was an Austrian composer, one of the most prolific and prominent composers of the Classical period. Haydn wrote 107 symphonies in total, as well as 83 string quartets, ...
Friends and other artists were photographed and filmed using them, sometimes to classical music or jazz compositions by Franz Kogelmann. West incorporated many of these images in his collages and ...