AI Could Soon Need as Much Electricity as an Entire Country ( New York Times, October 2023): “By 2027, new AI servers sold ...
New research has claimed the rapid development of, and demand for, generative AI has accelerated the rate of greenhouse gas ...
据telekom网9月12日报道,德国电信通过引入绿色人工智能 (AI) 的九项原则来推进其对可持续发展的承诺。这些指南旨在平衡 AI 对环境的影响,减少能源和资源消耗,同时最大限度地发挥其效益。 这些原则为如何以更环保的方式开发和使用 AI 解决方案提供了指导。这九条原则是: ...
CO2 AI survey ranks India among the top 3 nations for carbon emissions reporting, target-setting, and reduction, surpassing global averages.
Microsoft has shared an update on its sustainability efforts on Xbox from the past three years. In that time, the ...
每经AI快讯,有投资者在投资者互动平台提问:在CCUS二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存领域,直接大气二氧化碳捕捉属于真正的二氧化碳零排放甚至负排放的低碳环保节能技术,在氢气加二氧化碳化工等领域有着广泛应用潜力,是新兴战略性技术也是碳达峰碳中和的重要手段,请问 ...
As the window of opportunity for containing rising temperatures rapidly closes, expanding renewable energy sources and adopting an appropriate carbon price are urgently needed. In the interim, ...
What do crypto assets and artificial intelligence have in common? Both are power hungry. Because of the electricity used by high-powered equipment to “mine” crypto assets, one Bitcoin transaction ...
台湾稻米产业链年均产值逾500亿元,但农民常抢收,造成谷粒含水量高,米质差、耗费烘乾成本。中兴大学今天表示,研发「手机拍照AI判识稻米成熟度」AI技术,农民只要手机拍照所获谷粒含水数据判断成熟度,与专业仪器测值差距小于1%,经技转在3300公顷契作田 ...