A new type of blood test using lipids could make it easier to identify children at risk of complications around obesity ...
What is cholesterol and how can we lower it? - By being proactive, you can avoid complications like heart disease or strokes ...
也有研究印证了这一点,一项刊登于《细胞代谢》上的研究揭示了晚餐吃得晚导致肥胖的原因。晚进食增加了清醒时的饥饿感;降低了 24 小时的血清瘦素;减少了清醒时能量消耗和 24 小时的核心体温;改变了脂肪组织基因表达,让身体更容易储存脂肪。
Some of these bad cholesterol foods might surprise you, but experts say it's key to watch out for them—yes, even #7. The post ...
Red blood cells are the most abundant cells in the body. It has long been known that when red blood cells break down or anemia occurs due to bleeding, the hormone erythropoietin (EPO) increases, ...
Scientists have detected lipid biomarkers in children and teenagers with obesity that indicate an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, liver and heart disease as adults. A one-year lifestyle ...
Scientists have uncovered new details about how cells manage the distribution of lipids in their cell membrane. These lipids, known as phospholipids, are arranged in a bilayer of membranes, regulating ...
“You cannot change the risk if you do not know your numbers. For this reason, as a cardiologist, I highly recommend knowing ...
100 克绿叶菜做熟后约为 1 拳头的量,可以估算一下自己白天吃了多少,如果没吃够量,晚餐就多吃些蔬菜;至于蛋白质食物,除了肉类也别忽略了豆制品的摄入,白天如果吃了肉,晚上可以选豆制品作为蛋白质的来源。