Look, [lord feistel] is doing glitching attacks on an ATMega328P! All you need is an Arduino board with its few SMD capacitors removed or a bare 328P chip, a FET, and some sort of MCU to drive it.
This week we continue on with another video in our series about how to program for the ATmega328p processor using C. The ATmega328p is at the heart of many Arduino boards. If you have been using ...
根据该数据库,项目规模正在扩大,目前电池储能项目的平均应用容量为27兆瓦,而2016年为10兆瓦。报告还显示,逾300家总部位于英国的公司活跃在这一新领域。 STA首席执行官赫威特 (Chris Hewett)说,储能技术已经开始充分发挥风能和太阳能的潜力,其发展速度快于所有人的预期。他还说,储能技术将成为未来智能、灵活和脱碳能源系统的基础。
集微网消息,据日经新闻报道,日本电信龙头NTT DoCoMo计划在今后5年内对下一代通讯规格「5G」砸下1万亿日元(合约89.36亿美元)进行设备投资,除了 智能手机 等针对一般消费者提供的服务之外,也计划提供营建机械远端操作、远端医疗等新服务。
To develop an IoT device, one must communicate with a microcontroller using a programming language such as C or C++. An ...