Koch’s bacillus – the cause of tuberculosis – was identified in 1882, earning the microbiologist Robert Koch the Nobel prize ...
The Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita: ancient Indian texts that challenge Western categories, yet influenced the course of ...
I have been in something of a Twitter storm over the past few days, all because of an argument about the ethnic diversity of Roman Britain (sounds harmless enough you think, well . . . just see). I ...
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? Always question, never be afraid to change when the answer is “change”. To what extent, in your view, is writing a political act? To a very large extent.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) pursued two main themes in his work, one now familiar, even commonplace in modernity, the other still under-appreciated, often ignored. The ...
Welcome to our terms. Our terms are designed to provide our subscribers and visitors with a guideline as to how all aspects of our services are accessed and how you ...
It is a scoop unquestionably; it is a revelation. As literary mysteries go, the identity of Elena Ferrante was one of the great enigmas in the literary world. Especially in our epoch of over-sharing, ...
What is the purpose of philosophy? David Papineau recently took a stab at this question, and his answer didn’t convince me. He sees continuity from Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle to the ...
A simple list of Isaiah Berlin’s principal beliefs, stripped of the rich detail and nuance that he always supplied, may strike the reader as so obvious as to be banal; yet his positions have not ...