A new study challenges the belief that gun-free zones attract active shooters. In the first quantitative study of its kind, published in The Lancet Regional Health – Americas, researchers found that ...
A recent study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior offers new insights into how labeling oneself as addicted to pornography might influence both personal and relational outcomes. The study ...
New research raises concerns about the co-use of prescription stimulants and alcohol in adolescents with ADHD. The study, published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, found that ...
A recent study published in Politics, Groups, and Identities has found that up to one-third of Americans believe in the “White Replacement” conspiracy theory. The study provides evidence that these ...
A longitudinal study in Australia found that children of mothers with asthma who had increased expression of specific inflammatory genes were more likely to show autism-related behaviors at 12 months.
In an unprecedented case report, doctors in Austria have documented the first known instance of psilocybin-induced penile amputation. After consuming a large quantity of magic mushrooms, a 37-year-old ...
A new study sheds light on how exercise boosts brain function by exploring the role of nerves in muscle-brain communication. The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ...
Imagine it’s Friday evening. You’re about to watch a new Netflix drama, trying to unwind after a long week. Suddenly, your phone pings with a work email marked “urgent.” Your heart sinks; your stress ...
In a recent study published in Current Biology, researchers uncovered how the human brain processes the concept of zero, revealing that specific neurons in the medial temporal lobe treat zero as a ...
A new study published in the journal Alcohol highlights the significant link between chronic pain and alcohol use disorder, with a particular focus on individuals seeking treatment for their condition ...
A recent replication study published in iScience has confirmed previous findings that political ideology is associated with differences in brain structure, though with some nuanced updates. The study ...
Researchers in Poland have developed a novel method to assess the severity of manic and depressive symptoms in individuals with bipolar disorder based on features of their speech. Using a smartphone ...