Street Routing allows you to have street maps of the location you are in, and allow you to route from your current location to a destination, and to allow you to plot routes and avoid road blocks.
TomTom Maps-on-Line is a service that brings up-to-date maps, driving instructions and local information straight to your Pocket PC while you're on the move. TomTom Maps-on-Line is a wireless mapping ...
Looking for the best SatNav Hardware? We have spent the last few years watching the SatNav market and have reviewed the hardware as it is released to the retailers (sometimes we are lucky and get a ...
Information retrieved from a GPS tracking device has provided the evidence necessary to secure a second-degree murder conviction. GPS tracking devices have provided a supporting role in the courtroom ...
We've just received a sample StomP-StomP GO shade for review and it's such a good solution that I want everyone to know about it! The shade is designed to reduce glare and make the GO's screen more ...
This is the first in a series of articles that examines the intricacies of creating and maintaining digital maps by TomTom. This article looks at the Map Geometry, how the roads are discovered and the ...