Dalaman is a city in the country Turkey, the time zone is GMT +3. In Dalaman, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 24°C, with a minimum of 21°C and a maximum of 28°C. The ...
Newcastle upon Tyne is a city in the country United Kingdom, the time zone is GMT +1. In Newcastle upon Tyne, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 10°C, with a minimum of 7°C ...
Glasgow is a city in the country United Kingdom, the time zone is GMT +1. In Glasgow, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 8°C, with a minimum of 5°C and a maximum of 11°C.
Newquay is a city in the country United Kingdom, the time zone is GMT +1. In Newquay, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 13°C, with a minimum of 12°C and a maximum of 14°C.
Durban is a city in the country South Africa, the time zone is GMT +2. In Durban, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 18°C, with a minimum of 14°C and a maximum of 21°C. The ...
London is a city in the country United Kingdom, the time zone is GMT +1. In London, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 14°C, with a minimum of 11°C and a maximum of 18°C.
Dublin is a city in the country Ireland, the time zone is GMT +1. In Dublin, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 9°C, with a minimum of 4°C and a maximum of 13°C. The city ...
London is a city in the country United Kingdom, the time zone is GMT +1. In London, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 14°C, with a minimum of 11°C and a maximum of 18°C.
Sydney is a city in the country Australia, the time zone is GMT +10. In Sydney, it is currently {fromLocalTime}, the temperature is on average 17°C, with a minimum of 13°C and a maximum of 22°C. The ...