Ninth Circuit Appellate Court Hears Arguments to Compel Federal Action By Keith Schneider, Circle of Blue  For the third ...
The Rundown Army Corps builds a temporary barrier on Mississippi River bed to block upstream movement of salt water that ...
As they span significant areas of Asia, Europe and the Americas, karst landscapes cover some 15 percent of the Earth’s land mass. Scientists estimate that these areas of porous bedrock are home to as ...
The Rundown EPA determines that no federal drinking water regulations need to be revised right now. House passes budget bill with 20 percent EPA spending cut. EPA announces first round of funding in a ...
Salt water is moving upriver from the Gulf of Mexico. Drought in the central United States has weakened the mighty river’s ...
So what might a Clean Water Act designed for the 21st century—one that addresses both legacy pollution and emerging problems—look like? A meaningful way to address polluted runoff, so-called “nonpoint ...
Having detected toxins in its water distribution system since Memorial Day weekend at levels that occasionally exceeded state and federal health guidelines, officials in Salem are warning children, ...
Six months ago Cape Town was a city on edge. The mayor had declared that Day Zero, when officials would shut off water to most homes and businesses in order to preserve fast-shrinking reservoirs, was ...
Delhi is thirsty, even parched. As the 3rd largest population center in the world, its 25 million people need water, and lots of it, to survive. It’s clear that how India responds in the next months ...