An analysis of oil and gas pipeline safety in the United States reveals a troubling history of spills, contamination, injuries and deaths. This time-lapse video shows pipeline incidents from 1986 to ...
A program known as “Wildlife Services,” a unit of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has long operated secretively for a reason: Its actions are incredibly brutal and inhumane to animals, from ...
Signs along Highway 101 north of San Francisco repeatedly tell drivers they're traveling the “Redwood Highway” — but only at Richardson Grove State Park, just north of the Humboldt County line, does ...
Ecological restoration is the process of reclaiming habitat and ecosystem functions by restoring the lands and waters on which plants and animals depend. Restoration is a corrective step that involves ...
Ignoring opposition from states, environmentalists, and private property owners, in October 2007 the Department of Energy designated a vast, 45-million-acre area in southern California and western ...
Our planet now faces a global extinction crisis never witnessed by humankind. Scientists predict that more than 1 million species are on track for extinction in the coming decades. But there’s still ...
Finally, nearly 40 years after the signing of a presidential order designed to protect our forests from off-road vehicle abuse, the Forest Service is putting regulations in place to protect our public ...
Ocean waters cover three-quarters of the globe and are vast, mostly undiscovered havens for mysterious and diverse life. But the open oceans are also a free-for-all, barely regulated or policed.
• Secured a seafood import ban to pressure Mexico to save critically endangered vaquita porpoises, with only around 10 individuals remaining. • Sought protection for leopards, giraffes, pangolins, ...
We're in the midst of the Earth’s sixth mass extinction crisis. Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson estimated that 30,000 species per year (or three species per hour) are being driven to extinction.