Today, the Ontario government released the 2023-24 Public Accounts, which provide the final audited financial results of the province for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024.
OTTAWA – The Ontario government is investing up to $1.47 million over three years through the Women’s Economic Security Program to support two employment training programs for low-income w ...
In the spirit of reconciliation and in recognition of the diverse needs of Indigenous communities and cultures, Ontario is working in partnership with Indigenous communities to advance Indigenous-led ...
Caroline Mulroney, President of the Treasury Board, and Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance, will release Ontario’s 2023-24 Public Accounts. Ministry officials will hold a virtual technical ...
Le docteur Richard Wells, coroner régional principal de la région du Centre, bureau de Toronto-Ouest, a annoncé qu'une enquête sera tenue sur le décès de Michaels Spencer. M. Spencer, âgé de 57 ans, ...
A media availability will follow.
Dr. Richard Wells, Regional Supervising Coroner, Central Region, Toronto West Office, has announced that an inquest will be held into the death of Michaels Spencer. Mr. Spencer, 57 years old, died in ...
Charmaine Williams, Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity, will provide remarks and hold a media availability. Information about Ontario’s economy and how to do business here.
TERRACE BAY — The Ontario government is investing nearly $280,000 in a new action centre to help the over 330 workers impacted by layoffs at AV Terrace Bay. The new action centre will connect the ...