Any hopes that a flood of coffee exports from Asia’s major growers would take the heat out of a blistering rally that’s ...
Coffee price continued its strong surge this week, continuing a trend that has been going on for the past few years. Data by ...
在伦敦或纽约,喝一杯售价高达5英镑或7美元的咖啡,对某些人来说可能是难以想象的,但由于世界顶级咖啡产区经济和环境因素所带来的“完美风暴”,这可能很快就会成为现实。 2021年,一场反常的霜冻摧毁了巴西的咖啡作物。巴西是世界上最大的阿拉比卡咖啡豆(Arabica beans)生产国,该品种是咖啡师制作咖啡中常用的咖啡豆。
The world’s cheapest coffee variety is facing such enormous shortages that its beans are already more expensive than the ...
智通财经APP获悉,由于美国假期或将抑制交易量并刺激价格波动,罗布斯塔咖啡 (Robusta coffee)从上周高点回落。由于担心越南和巴西的不利天气导致供应紧张,罗布斯塔咖啡期货价格上周飙升至上世纪70年代以来最高水平,上周五突破每吨5,000美元,将罗布斯塔的相对强弱指数推向超买区域。随后,该大宗商品周一一度下跌4.7%。
Barry Neild has been on a quest from Indonesia to Colombia in search of a cup of coffee he can actually enjoy. Big mistake.
It should be the body trusted with registration of all coffee farms and ensuring that natural forests are protected and that ...
Vietnam is the second largest. Together, the two countries make up about half of the global coffee supply. Two types of ...
Out of the existing varieties of double espresso Nespresso pods, this one stands out for being the most intense, with an ...
Friday closed down -10.90 (-4.17%), and November ICE robusta coffee (RMX24) closed down -189 (-3.60%). Coffee prices Friday ...
Brazilian coffee farmers are grappling with above-average temperatures as the country, the world’s largest coffee producer, ...