Did you know diverse woodlands provide wonderful habitats for native pollinators? Minnesota has over 500 species of native bees and thousands of pollinators including bees, moths, butterflies, ants, ...
Honeybees are social insects. Their colony only survives as a community, and healthy new generations are very important. It ...
Dangerous mixtures: pesticides in combination can have unexpected effects on the development of honeybees. This is shown by a new study from the Biocenter of the University of Würzburg, in which the ...
I’ve tried to hold back on this announcement for as long as possible, but, I must now say with an appropriate sigh, I can’t ...
Alex Alsemgeest, Curator of the Library collections Maria Sibylla Merian’s interest in the study of insects began at a young age. She bred caterpillars herself, and made sketches of details such as ...
They fed all the flies a diet of cornmeal from the beginning of their development until they reached maturity (pupation).
Yours was looking for a pupation site while Karl’s was feeding on the timber of the tree, where it can live for three or four years before leaving to pupate underground.
Quick Facts Camponotus vittatus, Scientific classification ...