这份名为《寒冬将至》的报告延续了上个月的《Prepare for the Peak》报告,该报告警告了人工智能泡沫。报告一贯对韩国存储器半导体公司持悲观态度,理由是通用 DRAM 需求低迷,而人工智能专用 HBM 供应过剩。
The Shanghai Meteorological Bureau issued a blue typhoon alert at 5pm on Saturday, warning that this year's 13th typhoon, ...
Downpours battered Shanghai on Friday morning under the influence of Typhoon Pulasan. The city's meteorological center issued a yellow rainstorm, the second-lowest level in its four-tier system, alert ...
X-ray fluorescence radiation generated by lunar elements excited by X-rays from the Sun can reveal the distribution of ...
北京时间 9 月 13 日午夜,OpenAI 发布了推理性能强大的 ο1 系列模型。之后,各路研究者一直在尝试挖掘 ο1 卓越性能背后的技术并尝试复现它。当然,OpenAI 也想了一些方法来抑制窥探,比如有多名用户声称曾试图诱导 ο1 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
这场比赛是在2024年解说杯S5的阶段中进行的, [该负]为一场重要的BO5对抗。玫瑰这一角色自进入游戏以来,一直备受玩家的喜爱,其高爆发的输出能力和极其灵活的技能施放,使其在团战中往往扮演着关键角色。
冰岛(Iceland)是一个位于北大西洋的火山岛屿,以其独特的自然景观和极端的地质活动而闻名。冰岛的地貌以火山、冰川、温泉和瀑布为特色,造就了一个如同科幻世界般的奇妙环境。这里不仅有冰雪覆盖的高山和冰川,还有活跃的火山和壮丽的地热喷泉。冰岛的自然奇观 ...
荷兰国防部5日公布《2024年国防备忘录》(2024 Defense Memorandum),强调鉴于欧洲持续遭遇俄国为首的外部安全威胁,因此决定增购2艘「未来反潜巡防舰」(ASWF)、至少6架NH90「北约舰载直升机」(NFH)与6架F-35A ...
Training and development specialist is responsible for training feedback collection, coordination on creating and updating training materials, facilitating and conducting training sessions, and ...