Dr. Saito’s research interests are focused on two areas: 1) Developing sophisticated remote sensing methods for better characterizations of cloud and aerosol properties, and 2) deepening our ...
Dr. French’s research focuses on gaining a better understanding of microphysical processes that occur in clouds leading to the production of precipitation. Dr. French uses in situ observations from ...
cloud microphysical characteristics, radiation energy budget, atmospheric boundary layer structure and other characteristics of land-air interaction. These have laid the foundation for ...
Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the microphysical and chemical evolution of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. Studies fundamental physical processes that govern terrestrial ...
Develops models and analyzes observations to understand the microphysical and chemical evolution of aerosol particles in the atmosphere. CAICE is a Center for Chemical Innovation focused on the ...
Indian scientists are working on Mission Mausam to develop techniques for enhancing or suppressing rain, hail, and lightning ...
This process is executed by dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, thereby modifying the cloud’s microphysical processes. Utilizing seeding agents such as ...
Indian weather scientists are planning to develop the ability to control and enhance rainfall, hail, and lightning in ...
"A dust particle can make ice clouds form more efficiently in the core of the hurricane, which can produce more precipitation ...
Indian weather scientists plan to develop the ability to control rainfall, hail, and lightning within five years, potentially ...
The research initiative on weather modification will be part of a new scientific mission that will also seek to bolster ...