One of Georgia's most well-known transgender women has been killed in her home, a day after the country's parliament passed a ...
加州大学洛杉矶分校卫生政策研究中心的一项新研究表明,尽管加州LGBT成年人的家庭中拥有枪支的比例低于非LGBT成年人,但他们报告的枪支相关伤害或死亡风险更高,包括严重的自杀念头和遭到亲密伴侣的暴力。 此外,在分析2021年和2022年加州健康访谈调查 ...
LGBT veterans awarded a special badge to mark the injustice they faced say they will refuse to wear it until the government ...
The Biden administration is funding the production of a play in the Eastern European country of North Macedonia that features ...
The Georgian Parliament has passed a controversial law, criticized by the West, that prohibits "LGBT propaganda." The ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Thursday that it will reorganize its Office of Health Equity ...
(八打灵再也17日讯)国盟主席丹斯里慕尤丁强调,团结政府所制定的拨款谅解备忘录草案违宪,阻止民选的国会议员在下议院发声,而一旦备忘录被接受,将可能无法阻止政府推行允同性恋、双性恋以及跨性别群体(LGBT)的政策。他今日发文告指出,国盟的国会议员是在详 ...
In the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, a tragic event took place in which transgender model, actress, and influencer Kesaria ...
慕尤丁将LGBT议题强行嵌入拨款谅解备忘录的做法,显然是一种政治策略,目的是要激起议论和保守派的支持。团结政府与国盟之间的拨款谅解备忘录草案,为什么突然间变成了涉及LGBT的课题?其实不必多加分析,也可以明白慕尤丁的这一司马昭之心。身为土团党兼国盟主 ...
Kesaria Abramidze, 37, was allegedly killed by her 26-year-old boyfriend Beka Jaiani over a social media post the former ...
On September 17, the Georgian Parliament adopted the anti-LBTQ+ legislative package in its third hearing with 84 votes in ...