Exclusive: Ministers have lost patience with the UK’s top civil servant Simon Case and one accused him of ‘poisoning the well ...
Hollywood star Joan Collins took a cheeky swipe at Keir Starmer’s shopping habits during an episode of Loose Women on Monday ...
Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has welcomed an adorable Siberian cat to his family. In early ...
(法新社利物浦23日电) 英国财政大臣里夫斯(Rachel Reeves)今天将在工党会议上发表演说。在保守党掌政14年后,预料里夫斯将矢言「重建英国」,并示警会做出「艰难决策」。
Keir Starmer’s statement about ensuring the Holocaust is never repeated is hypocritical amidst the UK’s complicity in Gaza's ...
Keir Starmer is facing a major backlash to his decision to accept free tickets to football matches with almost two thirds of ...
Gary Neville has given his view after Keir Starmer was criticised for accepting a private box at Arsenal....read full article ...
英国改革党(Reform UK)创党人兼党领袖法拉奇(Nigel Farage)在英格兰埃塞克斯郡(Essex)的克拉克顿(Clacton)选区当选。他在胜选演说中称将致力于给选区“带来游客”和“私人投资”。
Former Manchester United star Gary Neville has backed Keir Starmer in a row over his acceptance of free seats in hospitality ...
世界各国领导人将在未来几天齐聚联合国,讨论长长一连串全球挑战。但是,他们会促使对其中任何一项挑战采取重大行动吗? “我们看到失控的地缘政治分歧和脱缰的冲突--尤其是在乌克兰、加沙、苏丹和其他地区,”联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio ...
史密森尼博物馆将现任第一夫人吉尔·拜登(Jill Biden)在其丈夫2021年就职典礼上穿过的裙子列为设计师亚历山大·奥尼尔(Alexandria O'Neil)“向第一夫人吉尔·拜登致敬”展馆的捐赠,这表明设计师借给了她这件裙子。