This article compares computer software tools that are used for accomplishing comparisons of files of various types. The file types addressed by individual file comparison apps varies but may include ...
除支持Java外,也能够支援Ada、VHDL、C、C++、以及不再于主控系统上以GNU工具方式提供的Objective C。 jEdit是一位名为Slava Pestov的程式师所创写及维护的文字编辑器,这套编辑器具有弹性且支援公有的外挂介面,因此可以很容易地成为不错的整合开发环境(针对各种 ...
Smdn.LibHighlightSharp is a wrapper library for using André Simon's Highlight, the syntax highlighter, on .NET. This package provides wrapper classes that make Highlight easy to handle from C#/VB.NET.
写程序的时候,我通常根据语言来选择最能“理解”那种语言的“IDE”(比如VisualStudio,Eclipse,IntelliJIDEA等),而不是一种通用的“文本编辑器”(比如Emacs,vi,jEdit,...)。 如果您是一名刚入行的、或是初涉CSS的新手的话,我们将在此为您重点介绍几种具有出色功能 ...