耐克(NYSE:NKE)周四宣布,前高级执行官Elliott Hill将于10月14日起接替John Donahoe担任总裁兼首席执行官。这一领导层变动发生在这家运动服装巨头市值大幅缩水之际,今年以来股价下跌约25%,自Donahoe ...
Nike's new CEO will likely focus on repairing relations with retailers to boost demand, a strategy that took a back seat ...
Elliott Hill started at Nike as an intern in 1988 but steadily scaled its ranks, banking on values of grit and hard work ...
Nike's new CEO is expected to double down on the company's efforts to repair relations with retailers to energize sales, ...
周四,受美联储决定大幅降息50个基点并暗示宽松周期开始的推动,华尔街主要股指全线上升。其中,标准普尔500指数上升95点,升幅1.7%;科技股占比较高的纳斯达克综合指数上升441点,升幅2.5%;由30只股票组成的道琼斯工业平均指数上升522点,升幅 ...
Elliot Hill first joined Nike as an intern in 1988 and steadily rose through the ranks, holding various leadership roles ...