A team of chemists and zoologists from Israel, Italy and Russia, has found evidence suggesting that part of the reason woolly mammoths went extinct was the onset of allergies that made it difficult ...
New geological evidence suggests that Earth might once have been encircled by a ring of debris, much like Saturn. This ...
Astronomers have uncovered evidence of a potential second Kuiper Belt, expanding the boundaries of our solar system. Here's ...
What makes this finding so significant is that it confirms what some archaeologists and anthropologists have suspected for ...
In a discovery that challenges our understanding of human history, scientists have successfully decoded the oldest DNA ever ...
Plaintiffs ask judge to let them add "Disinformation Dozen" including RFK Jr. as plaintiffs. White House finally condemns ...
Lam Research (LRCX) is a strong buy due to its significant price drop, robust earnings growth outlook, and potential for ...
It's exciting to consider that people could make some simple changes to their diet and potentially reduce or delay their risk ...
The samples were collected by Chinese officials in the early stages of Covid and are one of the most scientifically valuable ...
A new study recently found evidence for widespread human exposure to food contact chemicals (FCCs) through food packaging ...
Arizona’s voter roll maintenance procedures already include processes for verifying citizenship. There is no evidence to ...
After an in-depth analysis of the genetic material from hundreds of swabs taken from the walls, floors, machines and drains ...