但如果给以前的模型加点助力,比如计算机代数包和证明辅助工具啥的,改进一两次,就能实现进一步迭代,摇身一变,成为“有能力的研究生”。 有网友愤愤:GPT 是什么 **!我承认 LLMs 对写代码有很大帮助,但事实上有一些非常好的工具可以帮助解决这一问题 ...
陶哲轩表示自己有理由相信,未来几年内,这个差距会降低到1倍以内 (其实有些特定子任务,比如语义搜索、数据格式化或生成数字代码以协助数学研究探索,这个比率已经低于1了) 。
亲,也许你可以展开说说“研究生”这块不?我理解一下子, 你的意思是o1之前大模型放在Lean微调,再结合计算机代数包,那输出效果就可以媲美研究生水平? 简单点来说,这种情况下的大模型能够解决一些新发现的重要课题?
这家总部位于深圳的公司一直是中美之间日益加剧的科技竞争的焦点,目前正在经历一场壮观的复苏,推出了Mate 60 Pro和Mate X5等广受欢迎的机型。尽管面临美国制裁,华为在8月报告称收入和利润均实现了两位数增长。
一项新研究揭示了竞争性礼物赠与现象,以及由此带来的经济和社会地位差异。图片来源:Pixabay来源 PLOS翻译 王珊编辑 魏潇一项由日本东京大学、丹麦哥本哈根大学和日本理化学研究所脑科学中心发表的新研究发现,“送礼”也是社会变革的推动力。这项研究 ...
The spread of bright lights, then, could have devastating consequences for glow-worm populations around the world. And some studies suggest they're disappearing altogether. And a widespread decline in ...
Christian Geraud Neema Byamungu, a China-Africa expert and Africa editor at the China Global South Project, said that the ...
Typhoon Bebinca will probably be the strongest typhoon to make landfall in Shanghai since 1949, according to Shanghai's ...
Nobel Laureate in Economics Michael Spence told the three-day summit via video link that China is facing a short-run aggregate demand problem, but in the long run, China's growth will be driven by the ...
In August, the U.S. stock market faced significant volatility as investors focused on the Federal Reserve's anticipated interest rate cuts and Nvidia's second-quarter earnings. By the month's end, all ...